PJ Library

 PJ Library® provides a free gift of a high-quality, age-appropriate Jewish book or CD mailed to your home every month.

We know that something magical happens when parents sit down together to read with their children, and when families can gather together to learn and celebrate together. PJ Library gives the gift of Jewish stories and engagement programs that help families talk together about the Jewish values and traditions that are important to them. The Jewish Federation of Raleigh-Cary, in partnership with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, supports young families in our community as they enjoy these opportunities to make memories that are meaningfully, uniquely Jewish.

For more information about PJ Library, contact Hanah Rose at 984-239-2169 or Hanah.Rose@ShalomRaleigh.org. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram page to get news of PJ Library programs in the community. To receive PJ Library Books, register here.

PJ Library Books

Stories and Music

Celebrating Shabbat with Kids

PJ Library Podcast