Learn about current research on adolescent brain development and teen risk perception. Participants will also explore how a risk perception impacts a teen’s engagement with social media and Internet security.
About the Presenter: Rebecca Wheeler, MA, MEd, CSAPC , Health Educator
Rebecca joined the Poe staff in February 2014 with the Substance Use Prevention team. She is particularly passionate about helping children and adolescents develop coping and stress management skills with the hopes of preventing addictive behaviors. Rebecca also serves as a Youth Mental Health First Aid trainer.
For more information or questions, please contact: JFS Program Coordinator, Debbie Ross at 919-676-2200, ext. 129 or email Debbie.Ross@ShalomRaleigh.org
This program is sponsored by the Poe Center for Health Education
The program is free. Please consider a $5 donation to JFS. Registration is required by November 5 to help us plan properly.