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JCRC Event: A conversation on state politics with U.S. Representative David Price (D)

Vote 2020 David Price.png

Additional events in this series:

September 24, 7 PM - "Vote 2020: What You Think You Know and What You Don't Know Yet!" Do you know how to register? Are you aware of the two ways you may vote, in person and remotely? What are the details of of each option? Join Judah Segal and Jonah Kaplan for a conversation about these questions and more!

September 30, 7 PM - A conversation on state politics with Lt. Governor Dan Forest (R)

October 14, 7 PM - A conversation on state politics with N.C. House Speaker Tim Moore (R)

October 26, 7 PM - A conversation on state politics with Governor Roy Cooper (D)

The Raleigh-Cary Jewish Community Relations Council, and the Jewish Federation of Raleigh-Cary, strictly maintains unbiased and non-partisan positions. We have reached out and will continue to extend invitations to both Republican and Democratic candidates in all major races.