The State of North Carolina Holocaust Commemoration will be held Sunday, April 19, 3:00 pm at Daniels Middle School, 2816 Oberlin Road in Raleigh.
Speakers: Zohara Boyd & Peter Petschauer
Dr. Zohara Boyd grew up in Poland under Nazi occupation. By obtaining the documents of a Polish Catholic family, her Jewish parents were able to live outside the ghetto and hide in plain sight.
Dr. Peter Petschauer was a German child raised during World War II whose father became a German officer. Not until later in life did Peter come to understand and deal with his family’s past.
There will also be a candle-lighting ceremony and musical presentations.
All are welcome. No admission charge. Free parking in back of school.
The commemoration is sponsored by the North Carolina Council on the Holocaust and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.