Meet Schwartz Plumbing Company

We are excited to introduce you to our corporate sponsors for 2022! Over the next few weeks, we will help you get to know the companies that are supporting our mission to be a Federation that is welcoming, engaging, and empowering.

This week, we are excited to introduce our Platinum Sponsor—Schwartz Plumbing Company!

Q:  What’s a fun fact about you?

A:  As a child, my mother always told me I enjoyed flushing things down the toilet—money, jewelry, anything I could get my hands on. I was born to be a plumber.

Q:  Why did you choose to support the Jewish Federation of Raleigh-Cary?

A:  My bossy sister (Board President Amy Bush) forced me into it! And it’s important to me to see the Jewish community thrive here.

Q:  What do you want our community to know about your business?

A:  My business is trustworthy, honest, and I take loving care of my “tribe members.”

Q:  Describe your business and your history in the Triangle

A:  We are a plumbing service, started in 1991. I was born and raised in Raleigh when there were no bagels available. My grandparents would bring them down from DC. When I took the bagels to school, they thought they were Krispy Kreme donuts! When I brought matzoh to school they thought they were giant saltine crackers.

There are still corporate sponsorship opportunities available! Contact Jill Keller for more details.