Connection, Care, Community: Strategic Plan 2023-26

The Greater Raleigh region is experiencing exponential growth with no signs of slowing down. Just as Raleigh has become a national brand known for hi-tech, good living, and hospitality, our opportunity to deliver a thriving Jewish community that is just as inspiring, connected and welcoming.

For nearly 40 years, our Federation has been where leaders have convened to identify community issues and solutions. Together we have launched needed social services, Jewish programming for all ages, community advocacy initiatives, and so much more.

Having come through the pandemic and leadership transitions, the Jewish Federation embarked on a strategic planning process from 2022-2023 to set a vision for our organization, our initiatives and our community.

Over the next several years, we are excited to engage with you in reaching for the following goals:

  1. Care: Double our capacity to care for and respond to community needs.

  2. Connection: Increase total reach from 2,200 to 5,000 households by 2026.

  3. Community: Become the leading driver of Jewish community efforts in engagement, advocacy, and support for Israel.

  4. Philanthropy: Create a development plan to increase total revenue, solidify infrastructure and retire debt.

  5. Organization: Use a new engagement-based model to align our board, staff and volunteer efforts for successful implementation of our strategic plan.