Meet the Staff: JFS Senior Services Social Worker Abby Palmer

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The work of Jewish Federation of Raleigh-Cary and its beneficiary agencies is possible thanks to the effort and dedication of its staff. Meet Abby Palmer, JFS Senior Services Social Worker!

Name: Abby Palmer

Role at JFS: Senior Services Social Worker

Years at JFS: 6 years

Where are you from? Born & grew up in New Jersey, raised our children in rural Connecticut

List 3 words that describe you: Had to ask my husband and sons to help me with this one – compassionate, driven (aka “type A”), and loyal

What are your favorite hobbies? Hiking, biking, reading, planning and going on trips with my husband

What is your favorite piece of advice to live by? “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”― Leo Buscaglia

“The best age is the age you are.” – Maggie Kuhn

What do you like most about working at JFS? The work I do at JFS and working with dedicated colleagues.

Who was your biggest inspiration while growing up? My parents, my sister, several teachers & professors. Professionally – inspired by Maggie Kuhn, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, and Dr. Bernie Siegel, several colleagues & mentors, & many clients.

What is your most significant achievement? Personal – raising my two sons. Professional – founding member of a hospice program in rural Connecticut

What is your favorite song? I love lots of music so it is impossible to pick one song. Here are a few standouts for me – You’ve Got a Friend (James Taylor’s version), Peace Train (Cat Stevens/Yusaf), anything by Joni Mitchell, and any music that gets me dancing!

What book are you reading now? Just finished The Office of Historical Corrections by Danielle Evans, starting The Overstory by Richard Powers

Where is your favorite place to travel? Impossible to choose one favorite! Loved New Zealand, Patagonia, Nepal, Tanzania & Uganda, Spain, and all the US National Parks I have traveled to so far.

What do you hope to see at JFS in the next five years? Continued growth (offering more services, reaching more people); establishing affordable housing on the JCC campus for individuals & families of all ages (okay, probably not in the next 5 years, but hopefully someday!)